International Summer Schools carried out by the Warsaw University of Technology.
Summer is still far away, but you can plan this time now - maybe it's worth spending it effectively?
We invite international students to take part in the International Summer Schools carried out by the Warsaw University of Technology.
Students can register now for one of 7 exciting programs.
If you are an international 1st, 2nd cycle or PhD student and want to expand your knowledge in the field of:
• modern electrical engineering,
• photovoltaics,
• photonics,
• modelling and improving processes in supply chains,
• business, logistics and production processes in the enterprise,
• aviation,
• geomatics (geospatial engineering)
you are welcome to take part in one of the two projects:
1. International Summer Schools of the Warsaw University of Technology
2. Summer schools of geomatics and aeronautical engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology